Here, you can find the updated Information on News and Press Release that are related to Graha Inti Fauzi.
Gandus industrial area, South Sumatra, will begin construction in mid-2017. This industrial area will be focused on light industry, which is equipped with warehousing and bonded logistics center. Read more at http://www.beritasatu.com/investor/413549-kawasan-industri-gandus-siap-dibangun.html
Gandus Industrial Area was developed as a center of light manufacturing industry in the southern region of Sumatra. Chairman of the Association of Industrial Zones Sanny Iskandar said the development of Gandus Industrial Estate is targeted to enter construction phase in mid-2017.
Read more at http://www.kemenperin.go.id/artikel/16998/Gandus-Jadi-Pusat-Manufaktur
Mayor of Pelembang South Sumatra (Sumsel) Harnojoyo invites investors of Sriwijaya Central Business District (Sriwijaya CBD) Gandus Palembang, PT Fauzi Panca Manunggal to present the presentation to 10 Korean investors.
Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) increasingly incentive to promote the investment potential of industrial area of Indonesia outside Java Island to a number of investors abroad. One of the potential countries that Indonesia sees is investors from Japan.
Read more at http://www.indonesiasatu.co/detail/sriwijaya-central-business-district-di-palembang-diincar-investor-jepang